Articles, Teaching

Ways to Show Appreciation to a Bible Class Teacher

Good Bible class teachers work hard.  Week after week, they prepare lessons, create materials, change bulletin boards, and change lives.  They teach other people’s children for no paycheck. Their motivation is to serve the Lord by making an eternal difference in the lives of their students.

We have all had Bible class teachers who have taught us God’s word and encouraged us to become better people. These men and women deserve our praise and appreciation (Romans 13:7). Expressing our thanks makes a teacher feel appreciated which in turn makes them more confident and better teachers.

Here are a few ideas that will show your love and appreciation to a teacher:

  • Tell them that you appreciate them. Words are powerful.
  • Write a simple, heart-felt note of appreciation, letting them know the impact they’ve made on your life.
  • Give them a hug or shake their hand.
  • Bake a treat or cook dinner for them.
  • Buy them a Christmas or birthday gift.
  • Surprise them with their favorite candy or flowers.
  • Give a gift card to their favorite store or restaurant.
  • Offer to help decorate the room, door, or bulletin boards.
  • Give a banquet in honor of all your teachers. (Hint: It’s not a potluck where they do the cooking!)
  • Donate money towards their classroom. Many teachers buy classroom supplies out of their own pocket. A donation can help ease this burden.
  • Be the best Bible student that you can. Teachers appreciate students who are and who are genuinely excited to learn.
  • If the teacher has a Facebook account, publicly show your appreciation. Brag on them in front of others.
  • Tell the elders how much you appreciate the teacher and what a great job they do.
  • Interview the students to find out what makes the teacher special.  Compile answers into a card or booklet.

Above all else, honor God with your life. Nothing shows a teacher that she did a great job and made a difference more than seeing her students become and live as faithful Christians