

If you are a Facebook friend of my husband Steve or me, you will know that these last 4 months have been quite a whirlwind! On August 14th, he was diagnosed with Stage 4 melanoma with tumors in several locations throughout his body. Without treatment, the oncologist said he would have between 3 and 18 months to live. As you can imagine, hearing those words was devastating to me. This is my husband, my best friend, my work partner, my constant companion throughout the ups and downs of this life. I could not imagine losing him so soon!

During these months, I have kept a journal. While it started out as a way to remember important phone numbers, doctor’s names, and information from appointments, it became so much more. It became the place where I wrote Scriptures to help and encourage me. In it, I wrote notes to remember what was happening at various times throughout this cancer journey.

Throughout the Bible, we see examples of God working in the lives of people. Sometimes, we are privy to the background story in situations, so that we clearly see Divine intervention. Other times, it is not so clear. We know that some things happen “by chance” as told in the story of the good Samaritan (Luke 10:31). At times, we see Bible characters who were not sure if it was God at work or chance, such as Mordecai said of Esther (Esther 4:14) or as Paul said of Onesphorus (Philemon 15).

While I certainly do not want to assume that I know more than I do about the workings of God, and of course have no special revelations from Him, I cannot help but to believe that His fingerprints are all over the events of the last few months. I have prayed more fervently and frequently than I ever have in my life.

From the beginning, I prayed that we would find the best course of treatment. I begged God to give Steve more time to be with me and our children. I prayed that he would have many more years to preach, teach, and work in His kingdom. I prayed that the therapy would be successful, which we were told was, “no growth and no spread” of any tumors. I prayed bigger and bolder prayers (Hebrews 4:16), asking not only for “no growth or spread,” but that every single tumor would shrink and disappear. These immunotherapy drugs are extremely potent, so I prayed that there would be no toxicity to other organs. I prayed that he would have the most minimal of side effects and be able to tolerate the full course of treatment. I prayed about specific financial issues along the way. So as you see, there have been many, many things on my heart about which to pray.

Can I get personal and give you some examples of how “perhaps” God has been working in our lives?

  • Our local oncologist said he did not think MD Anderson was taking new patients due to Covid, but we got an appointment within the week.
  • I was scared that our health sharing cost plan might not be willing to pay for such expensive treatment, but they assured me that they would be with us through this.
  • Our daughter’s boyfriend is from the Houston area. His family offered to keep, feed, drive, and care for our every need while in Texas.
  • We were set to participate in a clinical trial which would require monthly trips to Houston for 2 years when it was suggested that this might be the best course of treatment. Due to a last minute test result which came, Steve was disqualified for that trial and put on a different treatment plan that started sooner and could eventually be moved to our city.
  • We have no health insurance, but participate in Christian Healthcare Ministries health care sharing plan. Medical bills are reimbursed after being paid and members of this program are expected to get “self-pay” discounts from providers. MD Anderson only gives “self-pay” discounts (30% off) if treatment is paid for up front and not with a payment plan. Two days before the first treatment was to be given, I had a phone call saying we had to pay $127,000.00, (that was with the discount), before they would treat Steve. Because of the donations of churches and individuals, we came up with the money within hours!
  • The day after the first treatment, I found out about a drug assistance program for which we qualified. They agreed to pay for all future drugs, but gave no guarantee of going back to pay for that first treatment. However, we were approved and they reimbursed the entire first round of drugs, so I could pay back those individuals who loaned us money.
  • Some of the possible side effects with these drugs are quite scary and even life threatening. For Steve, after the first treatment, there were 5 days of flu-like symptoms. After that first treatment, he never had any other side effects. Within a few weeks, pre-existing symptoms of the cancer started to disappear and he felt better than he had for a long time.
  • And most recently at the 3 month follow up where scans were done to see how treatment is working, we found out that every single tumor/lesion has shrunk (many are now half the size) and others have disappeared completely. As I said, the standard measure of success is, “no growth, no spread,” but I believe it was the big, bold prayers of God’s people that have made a difference. It is my hope and continued prayer that Steve is on the road to a complete remission and what is known as a “functional cure!”

Oh, there are so many more things I could include in this list. We have heard from Christians all over the world, reaching out with encouraging messages, donations, gifts, and cards. But what I appreciate the most, is that I know God has heard an outcry from His people around the world, asking/begging for God to be merciful and spare Steve’s life at this time. I only wish I could know how many times God has heard the name, “Steve Higginbotham” during these past 4 months! For all of those prayers, I am most grateful!

Could some of these things “just happen?” While I am sure they could, I certainly do not want to assume “chance” and not give God the proper glory and gratitude. As I paraphrase what David said in Psalm 8:4, “Who am I that God is mindful of me?” I do not know what all He does or why He loves me as He does, but I know He does. While we were able to access the best cancer hospital in the country with one of the best melanoma specialist in the world, God alone is the Great Physician with all the knowledge of this illness, all the power to do something about it, and all the love and care for us to do what is best for us. He has been abundantly merciful to us!

“For You, O God, have tested us;

You have tried us as silver is tried.

You brought us into the net;

You laid a crushing burden on our backs;

You let men ride over our heads;

we went through fire and through water;

yet You have brought us into abundance.”

Psalm 66:10-12